NSF-WHIRL survey – PA-AWWA leading the way!  


Subject Line: NSF-WHIRL survey – PA-AWWA leading the way!  

Email to PA-AWWA members:

A research program, Water, Health Infrastructure Resilience and Learning (WHIRL) funded by the National Science Foundation is exploring interdependencies between water and health systems.  The project is led by Wayne State University in collaboration with other academic institutions, the Water Research Foundation, the American Water Works Association, the Association of State Drinking Water Administrators, the Rural Community Assistance Partnership, and the National Association of County and City Health Officials.

The Pennsylvania Section of AWWA encourages you to participate in this important study that will explore how drinking water-related hazards and disruptions impact public water and public health systems. Please take 10 minutes to complete the survey, linked below. If you work with multiple water systems, consider the system you work with most frequently when responding to the survey. Your confidential answers will be shared to help to reduce risks of future disasters, identify critical connections and opportunities to learn, change and enhance system resilience.

Click here to take the survey now and you will be entered in a drawing of 20 $50 amazon gift cards.  Join us in creating better partnerships for high quality water service and the protection of public health. 

Link to Survey: https://waynestate.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_czHmTzKFUZmSRY9