Are you looking to promote your company’s products or services to the key decision-makers in Pennsylvania’s water industry? Time to advertise in The Water News Source!

Are you looking to promote your company’s products or services to the key decision-makers in Pennsylvania’s water industry?
Advertising space is now being reserved for the Summer issue of Pennsylvania AWWA’s magazine – The Water News Source.
Along with the printed copies that will be mailed-out to the entire PA-AWWA membership, your ad will also appear in the digital version on the association’s website.
CLICK HERE to view the most recent issue of The Water News Source.
If you would like to have your company’s advertisement included in the Summer issue, please contact our publisher Dave Gill at 866-985-9791 or by email [email protected]
Size Cost
Full Page $850
1/2 Page  $600
1/4 Page$375
1/8 Page $275